Teacher visit to school in the Netherlands
Last week one of our amazing teachers, Angharad, travelled to a school in the Netherlands to teach English – the Hilderstone way!
Here’s her account of her visit.
My days with Jacobus Fruytier students in The Netherlands

In April 2022 I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to Apeldoorn in The Netherlands to spend three days teaching a Year 3 group (age 14/15).
The students are due to take their Cambridge First exam in June and due to lockdown had not had the face-to-face teaching they would have had otherwise. Therefore, for three days myself and 24 students focused on writing and speaking skills.
They worked hard to produce two essays and a short play to perform at the end of the course. In pairs, they prepared for the speaking part of the exam, having to answer the questions in the same time they would get in the exam. We shared tips and useful vocabulary. We also practiced using correct tenses when speaking fluently. The students were kept busy!
We rounded off the course with a live question and answer session on British culture with two British teenagers (my children) who had accompanied me on the trip. They asked them about school uniforms, tea, football and music and really enjoyed meeting each other.
Outside of the classroom the students advised me to visit Apenhaul, an ape and primate zoo, and Palais Het Loo, a Royal home and gardens reminiscent of Versailles. Both were wonderful places to visit and it was good to see more of what Apeldoorn has to offer.