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Tag: phrase

PHRASE OF THE WEEK: ‘to miss the boat’

11 February 2020 If you are too slow to decide to do something and therefore miss the opportunity, you can say you have ‘missed the boat’. “Why are you so sad, Rachel?”“I’m going to be 47 this year. I want to have a romantic relationship with someone but I think I’ve missed the boat.” #HilderstoneExperience […]

Phrase of the Week 1/7/2019

Throw (or Put) a spanner in the works Do something, or something happens, that makes a plan or activity fail. Example: “We were going to move to a smaller place, but my son lost his job and moved back home.” “That must have thrown a spanner in the works.” #hilderstonephraseoftheweek FREE PHOTO

QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 4th March 2019: UK cities

Can you unscramble the letters to name the city?Example: DNOLND = London1) BRHIENDUG2) GMMAIBRNHI3) CSETNARMHE4) EDSLE5) OGLWASG6) FLSBEAT7) FICRADF8) DOFXRO Here are the names of the UK cities: 1) EDINBURGH2) BIRMINGHAM3) MANCHESTER4) LEEDS5) GLASGOW6) BELFAST7) CARDIFF8) OXFORD How did you do?

QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 8th October 2018: Phrasal verbs with UP

Can you put the correct verbs in the gaps in these sentences? 1) Can you buy some more kitchen paper? I’ve ______ it all up. 2) This question is just too difficult – I ______ up! 3) Please can you ______ up your room? It’s a mess! 4) Sam was very late arriving at the […]

QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 01 October 2018: IDIOMS

Can you choose the correct response in each case, from a – h? 1) Don’t tell anyone – it’s a secret!  2) How do you know about his new job? 3) What’s her brother’s name? 4) Did you catch the train? 5) I’ve got some juicy gossip for you! 6) Do you fancy a coffee? […]